Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab focuses on research in- mobile robotics, multi-robot, coordination, planning and scheduling, computer vision and machine learning.
The applications of our research are in field robotics specifically with marine, ground and aerial robots working with humans.

ground vehicles
Autonomous Urban Driving
Multi-Class mobility on demand

Marine robotics
Underwater Vehicles
Search and rescue

Human robot coordination
AI-Augmented Swarm Intelligence

Malika Meghjani
Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Loo Yi
Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Tan Yu Xiang
Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Loo Yi
Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Loo Yi
Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Graduate Student | Diver | Netflix
Dr. Malika Meghjani is an Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Technology and Design Pillar at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). She directs the Multi-Agent Robotics Vision and Learning (MARVL) Lab, with the focus on algorithm design for efficient, reliable and scalable robots that can work independently and collaboratively with humans. Her research interests are in planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, computer vision, deep learning, and game theory. The applications of her work are in field robotics ranging from marine robots specifically, underwater and surface vehicles to self-driving cars and other ground vehicles in unstructured environments.

Submissions by
30 Jun 2021

Dr Malika has participated in multiple speaking engagements at conferences and has been featured in the media including Channel News Asia.
During her spare time Malika has started sustainable outreach initiatives that continue to attract several high school students towards STEM programs.
"I believe our future generations have the enthusiasm and engagement capacity to pick up fundamentals in robotics. It's always refreshing to see youth realize their potential"
- Malika Meghjani
Submissions by
31 Jul 2021
Research Fellow for robot mapping & localization
MARVL Lab | SUTD | Full Time
Submissions by
31 Jul 2021
Research Assistant - Unity Simulation Developer
MARVL Lab | SUTD | Full Time