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  • Ph.D., Computer Science, McGill University, Canada

  • M.Eng., Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Canada

  • B.Eng., Electronics and Communication Engineering, Osmania University, India

Full CV

Full Publication List

Past and Present Research Team


Professional Biography 

Dr. Meghjani received her PhD degree in Computer Science from McGill University, Canada in early 2017. Before joining SUTD, she was a Research Scientist and Technical Lead at Autonomous Vehicle Lab within Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). She was awarded SMART Postdoctoral Fellowship for her research proposals on “Multi-Class Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand System” and “Context and Intention Aware Planning under Uncertainty for Self-Driving Cars”. Her work on “Multi-Target Rendezvous Search”, was nominated as the finalist for the best paper award at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). A start-up proposal based on her work, titled, “Multi-Agent Rendezvous on Street Networks”, won her the NSERC Canadian Field Robotics Network, Strategic Network Enhancement Initiative Award.


During her graduate studies in Canada, she received several awards for her leadership and academic excellence. For her contributions to IEEE, she was recognized with the IEEE Larry K. Wilson Regional Students Activities Award and the IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Award. She is also the recipient of the McGill Scarlet Key Award for her contributions to the McGill community. She became the first Google Anita Borg Scholar from McGill University, Canada. Malika is also actively involved in international program committees for IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) and International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS).

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SMART Scholarship for Postdoctoral Research

Feb 2017  Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology


​Two years of fellowship to conduct research of own choice in Singapore within, but not necessarily tied closely to, a current project in one of the SMART Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs) and or the SMART Innovation Centre.


IEEE Larry K Wilson Regional Students Activities Award

Oct 2015 IEEE

Award for leadership in IEEE Region 7 (Canada).


Strategic Enhancement Initiative Award

Jun 2015   NSERC Canadian Field Robotics Network


Award for the best robotics start-up proposal.


McGill Scarlet Key Award

Mar 2015   McGill University

Recognition for community service and leadership within the McGill community.


AAAI Robotics Fellowship

Jan 2015   AAAI


RSS Travel Award

Jul 2014   Robotics Science and System


Workshop for Women in Robotics.


IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Prize

Nov 2013   IEEE Canada


Prize for academic excellence and contributions for women in engineering and computer science.


Google Anita Borg Finalist and Scholar

Jul 2013   Google

Scholarship for leadership and academic excellence.


IEEE Montreal Section Award

Nov 2012   IEEE Montreal Section


Recognition for outstanding service as Students' Activities Coordinator.


IEEE Canada and Montreal Exemplary Students' Branch Award

Sep 2012   IEEE Canada and Montreal Section


Recognition for re-activating McGill IEEE Student Branch as Vice Chair.


MITACS Travel Award

Jun 2011   MITACS


International Conference on Plastic Vision


Best Technical Presentation Award

Mar 2009   McGill University


Best presentation in Cognition and Brain Category at Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Research Symposium.


McGill Graduate Studies Fellowship Award

Sep 2007   McGill University

Fellowship for academic excellence from Graduate and Post-doctoral Studies Office.


Best Graduating Student Award for job recruitment

2007   Career Launcher​


Top Rank Certificate

Jun 2004   Deccan College of Engineering & Technology

1st Rank among all engineering branches at Deccan College of Engineering and Technology (approx 500 students) for the year 2003 - 2004.

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Assistant Professor

Dr Malika Meghjani


Telephone: +65 6499 7166
Office #: 1.502-13
Pillar / Cluster: Information Systems Technology and Design


8 Somapah Road, Singapore

Information Systems and Design

Singapore University of Technology and Design

Singapore 487372


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